How to connect Grandstream UCM with Supervoice

23.06.20 01:58 AM By Irene

UCM Supervoice Trunk Configuration

In order to create your Supervoice Trunk using the TLS (Transport Layer Security) certificate you must follow the following steps:


1. First, go to the UCM Web - Interface in the settings PBX Settings → SIP Settings → TCP/TLS and activate the field “TLS Enable”.

2. Navigate to the path Extension / Trunk → VoIP Trunks.

3. Click on the button “+ Add SIP Trunk”.

4. In the field “Type” input the value “Register SIP Trunk”, in the field “Provider Name” input the value Supervoice and choose the value “Supervoice ” in the drop-down menu.

In the field “Host Name” the value “” will be automatically completed.

5. In the fields “Username” and “AuthID” input you account’s id, in the field “Password” input the “Password” that has been sent via SMS, following the example below:

6. Choose the button “Save” and next choose the button “Edit” in the right side of the new Supervoice Trunk.

7. In the tab “Basic Settings” verify that in the field “Transport” the value “TLS” is selected , unselect the “Keep Trunk CID” and on the field “From User” add your username that will be in the form of id00xxxxx that was email to you.

8. In the tab “Advanced Settings” choose the setting “Enable Heartbeat Detection” , also change the DTMF mode to Inband and the Codecs to PCMA,PCMU and G729

Click Save and Apply Changes and navigate to the Dashboard in order to verify you ’re your account is registered.

Receive/Make Calls

In order to receive and make calls you must make the appropriate inbound and outbound rules.

Receive calls

Navigate to the address Extension / Trunk → Inbound Routes and choose the value “SIP Trunks -- Supervoice” in the Trunks field.

Click Add.

Please insert in the Pattern field the underscore symbol followed by the CID in E164 format.

E.g.: _302107107000.

Make calls

In order to call Greek numbers, you must navigate in the menu: Extension / Trunk → Outbound Routes → +Add

Set a name for your outbound rule, for example “Out_supervoice” and input the following:

Pattern: _2xxxxxxxxx


Trunk: SIP Trunks – Supervoice

Prepend: 30

So that all the Greek numbers are sent in E164 format.

For international number you need to create a new rule as the one below

On this rule you need to remove the two first digits that are 00 in order to send the number as an E164 number format.

Verify that the field Privilege Level is equal or less than your extension’s Privilege Level.

9. In the end, click the “Save” and the “Apply Changes” buttons.
